I founded my first business at age 24 in Overland Park, Kan and have been a serial entrepreneur since then, founding two more companies along the way. I have also mentored many entrepreneurs though various organizations to help them grow their businesses, traveled the world, raised money for numerous charities and received countless recognitions and awards. I am an early adopter of social media, dating back to 2005; have been quoted in many thought leadership pieces in trade publications; presented at national conference; led senior leadership teams for publicly traded companies and designed social media programs for publicly traded companies. I am also a mother to a beautiful daughter Alexa. I play the guitar, sing, paint and play tennis.
CEO. Entrepreneur. Early Adopter. Mom.
I capture the essence of the story, brand and strategy.
I have served in numerous capacities over the past 20 years, mainly the last 15 as the CEO and founder of two digital marketing agencies, representing publicly traded to start-up businesses. In this capacity, I led senior leadership teams through consulting exercises to structure digital marketing strategies including social media and reputation management; implemented cross-department SOPs; and positioned branding and content for lead generation programs by utilizing best-in-class marketing technologies.
“The greatest blessing I have received throughout all of the good and bad in business was the knowledge that some people would stand by my side through thick and thin while others would not. The universe changes us. Some people choose to change while others try to stand still. Gratitude is the only common ground we share with each other in business. We can be grateful for the professional relationships we have or we can curse them. The mutual respect and consideration for other leaders can only be shared through the lens of gratitude. For those in business who strive to only take from others, will never win. For the journey is long and hard and only the strong will succeed.”

“The greatest blessing I have received throughout all of the good and bad in business was the knowledge that some people would stand by my side through thick and thin while others would not. The universe changes us. Some people choose to change while others try to stand still. Gratitude is the only common ground we share with each other in business. We can be grateful for the professional relationships we have or we can curse them. The mutual respect and consideration for other leaders can only be shared through the lens of gratitude. For those in business who strive to only take from others, will never win. For the journey is long and hard and only the strong will succeed.”

My Journey
Serial Entrepreneur Since 2003

Launched Digital Campaigns in 2005
I founded my first agency in 2003 at the age of 24 in Overland Park, KS and began testing and leading digital campaigns for brands in 2005.

Founded Viral Bolt Media in 2012
Integrated Creative Services With Digital Marketing
VBM serves a boutique creative department to Jennings Social Media Marketing (JSMM), providing full-service creative, including websites, videos, photography, marketing technology (MarTech), branding and more.

Implemented MarTech in 2017
Introduced Machine Learning for E-Commerce Brands
In 2017, our team started testing various platforms to incorporate machine learning for email marketing. The highly targeted software serves of products and offers via email that align with buyers’ interests and shopping behaviors.